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Seraphinite Custom order
  • Seraphinite Custom order

    This is a custom piece created for a friend.
    • Gemstone Attributes

      Seraphinite: Stone of healing: Self-healing, regeneration, wholeness, angelic connection.  Wearing imbues the auric field with frequencies of wholeness and well-being; Links the physical with the angelic levels of energy; powerful stome for angelic and devic communication and reasonates with angelic realm, particularly those associated with restoring a state of health and balance. Energetically supports the body in illnesses related to cellular regeneration and energy patterns in the DNA.

      Azetulite: DNA and Light Body activation, cleanses the emotional body, bringing a feeling of love, compassion, joy, serenity and expansiveness; brings light into the cells of the body for healing and dissolving negative patterns that create illness. Attracts spiritual Light, kindling Light Body activation and ultimately Vibrational Ascension.

      Lapis Lazuli: Inner vision, truthful communication, royal virtues; One of the best knowns stones for activating higher mind and psychic abilities; Traditionally used to invoke divine inspiration; Awakens the Ajna chakra, enhancing ability to visualize and receive visual guidance or information; A stone for clairvoyance and precognition; stone for discerning and speaking truth. In Buddhist belief, it is recommended to bring peace and freedom from negative thoughts.

      White Sapphire: Awareness, Clarity, Discernment. A stone of Spiritual Connection and intuition. Activate the pineal and pituitary glands. Stimulates the Ajna and Sahasrarah chakras and activates lesser energy meridians in the brain, helping to attune to spiritual guides and angels. Brings clarity of thought and mind as well as spiritual clarity of connection, communication, and direction.

      Apatite: Psychic activation. Clears auric field, especially mental body. Supports connection with Spiritual guides and Akashic record.  Uplifting, supporting a positive outlook and hopeful attitude.

      Clear Quartz: Clarity, Intention, holds programmed energies, spiritual awareness; amplifies energies of other stones.

      Infinity Symbol: Limitless possibility and power, Wholeness, Completion

      The quartz in this peice, like all AiliA Gemstone creations, has been lovingly infused with the energy of higher consciousness for your graceful personal & spiritual evolution.

      Made with Love by Erin

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