Record Keeper Quartz: Activates cellular memory and assists in retrieving information from your lineage or past lives. Assists in accessing your own personal wisdom, by acting as a key to unlock information stored in your cellular structure, assisting in your own processes of healing and growth for greater peace as you move through this life.
Citrine: Manifestation. Personal will. Mental clarity. Creativity. Optimism. Increases clarity of thought. Magnifies powers of will and manifestation through the creative power of imagination and creativity.
Infinity Symbol: Limitless Possibility and Power, Wholeness, Completion
Copper: Channels and grounds higher vibrations; conducts and enhances stone energies.
CHAKRAS: Muladhara (Root), Svadhisthana (Sacral), Manipura (Solar Plexus)
This quartz has been lovingly infused with the energy of higher consciousness for your graceful personal & spiritual evolution.
Made for you with Love by Erin
Materials: Record Keeper Quartz point, citrine, copper jewelry wire, Nakamol bead wrap, a lot of love and a little bit of magic :)