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Blue sapphire and aquamarine double wrap bracelet
  • Blue sapphire and aquamarine double wrap bracelet

    • Gemstone Properties

      Sapphire: Wisdom, endurance, innocence, constancy, truth and virtue. 

      Sapphire means "Beloved of Saturn" and is one of the greatest metaphysical healing gems of Vedic astrology. Spiritually, sapphire is said to rule over the Seraphic realms, specifically association with Archangel Metatron (angel of integration) and Archangel Zadkiel (angel of comfort). (From Judy Halls 101 Power Crystals).


      Blue Sapphire: Wisdom, honor and integrity; sparks enthusiasm for one's work; assists in speaking clearly from your inner wisdom.


      Aquamarine: Soothing and calming. Clears emotions, also helpful for clearing old patterns. It is a nourishing stone. A crystal of spiritual vision, facilitating high states of awareness. One of best stones for clear communication & understanding other viewpoints. Also helpful for moving through grief and clearing old patterns.


      Clear Quartz: Clarity, Intention, holds programmed energies, spiritual awareness, amplifies energies of other stones. Known as the Master Healing Crystal. Strengthens and stabilizes the body’s energy fields and promotes harmony. Amplifies positive thoughts and stimulates positive action when it is needed.


      Materials: Authentic faceted blue sapphire and aquamarine beads with sterling silver accent beads and sterling silver clasp and findings. 


    • Return Policy

      All sales are final.

    • care

      Your AiliA Creations wire wrap bracelet is made with the highest quality materials. The 54 strand jewelry wire is durable but does have a limited strength (10 pound tests strength) and will break with excessive strain. Treat your piece with care. Remove before showering, exercising, swimming, vigourous activity or sleeping. Avoid unusual stress beyong normal wear. In the event that your piece does experience strain enough to cause breakage, you are very welcome to contact me about restringing. Cost will depend on time since purchase (within 6 months is free, afterwards, labor costs will be charged.) I wear my wrap bracelets daily and have yet to have one on my personal pieces break. But I am very respectful of my decorative pieces and careful not to wear during strenuous activities, exercise, showering or swimming/water activities so as to avoid stress on the materials. 

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